Mergers & Acquisitions

Services:  Fund Raising, Mergers & Acquisitions, New Markets, Board Advisory.

Most entrepreneurs think that growth after a point must include inorganic means. This holds fort but not for most. Consolidation success is for the bold and disciplined. It is certainly sexy and a massive ego booster to flaunt a merger or an acquisition. But that’s where the journey of consolidation and extreme value creation only begins. It takes a clinical approach to create value by inorganic means.

M&A is full of unchartered risks for most. A clearly aligned repeatable M&A process, which is most importantly fact based, rather than fever based, is the only way to create long term sustainable value, on the buy side.

At the same time, it is nice to pursue an Exit, or even build for it, but are you truly deriving the right value from it? On the sell side, the perspectives are different. The right value is usually the deal maker or the deal breaker. Having the right and well aligned thinking is where the challenges begin.

At Instaura, we believe that balance in the strategy is the right way forward to prepare for M&A success. Diligence is the second. Disciplined integration is the third. We help you answer the most basic questions first, since this is where the biggest corporate suicide is commited leading to complete erosion of valuable assets.

We take pride in our out-of-box strategic targeting, our clinical practices on due diligence as well as integration, our strategic approach to deal making and all other elements of consolidation and very importantly financing. Our highest pride comes from the unusually high value we unlock by our reality-based approach to the entire consolidation journey.

We welcome you to engage with us in this immense value creation journey aligned at creating true market leadership.



Quick links:  vision, mission, attitude.

Reality & Facts Based
Genuine, Ethical, Proactive
Simple & Humble
Entrepreneurial, Socially Responsible
Fast, Accurate, Excellent

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